Forget Something?
It's hard to keep track of all your financial info. That's why we've partnered with Experian. Now you can see all your debts in one place, so you'll be totally ready for your counseling session.

One Clear Goal
Helping You Restart and Flourish
You will be treated with kindness and dignity. We honor all those with whom we have contact with empathy and understanding. It sets the stage for you to thrive once again. To flourish.
About Cricket Debt?
Cricket Debt Counseling was started by former bankruptcy attorneys to provide unbiased and accurate credit counseling information to individuals seeking bankruptcy protection.
Cricket Debt Counseling is a non-profit, tax exempt 501(c)(3) organization approved by the United States Trustees as a Nonprofit Budget and Credit Counseling Agency in every Judicial District in its jurisdiction, Alabama, and North Carolina.† Cricket Debt offers the credit counseling required by §109(h)(1) of the Bankruptcy Code as a prerequisite to filing for individual debtor bankruptcy protection.
Cricket Debt does not offer Debt Management Plans, and Cricket Debt is not affiliated with any bank, credit card company, collection agency, or credit counseling agency.
Cricket Debt has no vested financial interest in the outcome of counseling, and will always present an unbiased viewpoint concerning the relative benefits and disadvantages associated with debt management plans versus personal bankruptcies. No agenda will ever color Cricket Debt's advice.
Cricket Debt provides its services without regard to a client's ability to pay. Debtors who cannot afford the counseling fee may request a waiver from Cricket Debt.
† Approved to issue certificates in compliance with the Bankruptcy Code. Approval does not endorse or assure the quality of an Agency's services.
"Cricket Debt has one clear goal, to help you restart and flourish.
Clients who find themselves in financial distress come to us for help. If you are thinking of bankruptcy, our Budget and Credit Counseling is the first step to turning things around. To restart.
You will be treated with kindness and dignity. We honor all those with whom we have contact with empathy and understanding. It sets the stage for you to thrive once again. To flourish.
These are our values, our purpose, our singular goal."

Brian Sunderland
Executive Director
Solid Start Financial offers the debtor education counseling required after you have filed bankruptcy, and before your bankruptcy case may be discharged.
Start this counseling session only if you have already filed for bankruptcy and have your bankruptcy case number assigned by the Court.
Frequently Asked Questions
Questions about the Counseling
How long does the counseling take?
On average, it takes clients between 60-90 minutes to complete the counseling process.
I need help finishing the counseling. When will a counselor be able to assist me?
Web counseling is not a real-time interaction with your counselor. You will need to periodically check your account for messages.
You can also call 866-719-0400 to complete counseling over the phone, Monday - Friday , between the hours of 7 am - 5 pm Pacific Time (10 am - 8 pm Eastern)
I completed counseling but I did not get my certificate, where is it?
If you are certain that you completed the entire counseling session, be sure to check your spam/junk mail folder in case your certificate was filtered by your email provider. Keep in mind you can also view/print your certificate by logging into your Cricket Debt Counseling account.
My Horizon Today Clients:
You and your attorney will have access to your certificate from within your account at My Horizon Today.
Will my progress be saved if I take a break?
The website will save your progress and any data you enter as long as you hit the "next" button before you walk away. If you leave the page without hitting that button first, you might time out and lose anything you have typed on that page.
How long is my certificate valid?
Credit counseling certificates are issued through the U.S. Trustees and are valid for 180 days. If your certificate has expired we are unable to change the date for you and you will need to take counseling again to get a valid certificate
My Horizon Today Clients:
You will need to contact your attorney and ask him/her to submit a new order to retake the counseling within My Horizon Today.
Will my attorney get a copy of my certificate?
If you provide an attorney code or your attorney’s contact information (email address or fax number) before your counseling is completed, your certificate will be sent to your attorney upon completion of your counseling.
My Horizon Today Clients:
You and your attorney will have access to your certificate from within your account at My Horizon Today
My spouse is not on my account and he/she needs to take counseling. How can they be added?
To add your spouse to your account, please go to the Account Info screen, scroll to the bottom and click on the red link that says “Add a spouse to your account” and follow the prompts.
Once your spouse is added they will need to log into the account to take the counseling on their own.
My Horizon Today Clients:
Please contact My Horizon Today at 866-218-1003 ext. 1 to have your spouse added to your account. Once added, your spouse will need to log into the account to take the counseling on their own.
My spouse and I completed counseling together but only one certificate was issued. Where is the other certificate?
Even though you may have read through the counseling material together, please keep in mind that you will both need to complete the one-on-one counseling separately in order to receive your certificates.
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